Top 10 highest-paid authors

world's top ten ranking highest-paid authors based on their earnings from books, film rights, television, gaming deals and other income from June 1, 2009, through June 1, 2010.

James Patterson tops the list with 70 million U.S. dollars, while the "Twilight Saga" author Stephenie Meyer follows at the second place with 40 million dollars in earning.

10. J.K. Rowling: $10 million

9.Nicholas Sparks: $14 million

8.John Grisham: $15 million

7.Janet Evanovich:$16 million

6. Dean Koontz: $18 million

5. Ken Follet: $20 million

4.Danielle Steel: $32 million

3. Stephen King: $34 million

2. Stephenie Meyer: $40 million

1. James Petterson: $70 million

Source : Forbes


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